You Need to Read This Woman’s Story About Her Engagement Ring


Whether they express it out loud or just in their own heads, anyone who gets an up-close look at your engagement ring will have an opinion on it. If you have a small diamond or a non-traditional ring and have been on the receiving end of some funny or pitiful looks and not-so-subtle questions, you need to read this lady’s story.

Rachel Pedersen from Minnesota is a mother of two and has been married to her husband Paul for 3 years. When they met, Rachel was a single mother and Paul was making ends meet as a window washer. They met one night a Perkin’s diner fell in love instantly. 3 days together, they eloped.

Rachel hadn’t even thought about an engagement ring, but Paul had. He surprised her with a ¼ carat diamond with small diamonds set into the double (white gold) band, using up most of his savings to purchase it. Super romantic, right? She certainly thought so, and still proudly wears it today as a reminder of their whirlwind romance and Paul’s readiness to do everything he could to get his new wife something special.

Over the last few years Paul and Rachel have built their lives together, her now working in digital marketing and him in the automotive industry. And she has regularly been asked questions such as why she hasn’t upgraded to a bigger stone yet or why she doesn’t wear a bigger ring for important events so people don’t think she’s not successful.


Her answer? Well, it’s best if we let her tell you herself…

“Yes, I know that my wedding ring is small. […] It doesn’t represent the level of success we are achieving. […] Since when did the size of someone’s ring become an indication of success?! For me, the ring is SO much more.

My ring symbolizes a whirlwind, storybook, “make you sick” love story…. It reminds me of how my husband and I met and fell at in love in one night at a Perkin’s diner. […] One short week later we professed our love to one another, him leading the conversation. We couldn’t stop dreaming of our future, so excited to have a baby, buy a house, and fall asleep together every night.

We couldn’t wait for the future. So we didn’t.

13 days after meeting, we eloped. I didn’t even THINK about a ring until my husband surprised me before the ceremony. He drained his savings to gift me with a small token of his love. I say small, only because it pales in comparison with how big his love is, even now, after years of marriage.

That, my friends, is success to me.”

Bravo, Rachel! We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.

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