Watch This Guy’s Year Long Marriage Proposal and Weep


Not because it’s bad, because it’s so frickin’ adorable…

We can’t help but feel sorry for any guy hoping to propose to his lady love these days. There are so many crazily romantic, unbelievably thoughtful proposals that have made headlines around the web that it’s both a) impossible to beat them and b) pretty difficult to come up with something that hasn’t been done already. Whether you’re into intricately planned, incredibly sweet romantic gestures or a good old fashioned question asked in private, you have to admit, this one is very cute…

Josh Schmitz from Chicago decided he wanted to ask his girlfriend, Danielle Roesch, to marry him a whole year before he popped the question. And he spent every single day of that year making a video to show her on that day.

As he went about his daily life at work, spending time with friends, relaxing at home and in plenty of weird and wacky situations along the way, he wrote messages such as ‘I love you little more every day’ or ‘I can’t wait to spend forever with you’ on a whiteboard that he carried everywhere with him and filmed himself holding them up to the camera. Surprisingly, Danielle never managed to catch him with it throughout the whole year.

While in some shots Josh is hanging upside down, riding a bike and even showing Danielle unknowingly appearing in the background, each one shows a date that leads up to August 19th 2016. The last shot is just of the whiteboard alone, which asks her to meet him down at Lake Michigan. When Danielle arrived at the lake, she saw a path of rose petals that led to Josh, who finally asked the question he’d written down so many times in person.

Obviously, she said yes. If you have 20+ minutes to spare, you can watch the entire year’s worth of proposals below. Have tissues ready!

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