Proposing During A Hike? Read Our Tips

Planning on popping the question on top of a mountain? If you’re not so experienced with hiking or trekking, then you definitely need to read these tips…

Do NOT leave the trail

If you’re about to ask the most important question of your life to the most important person in your life, you’ll naturally want to do it without random strangers looking at you. Well whatever you do, don’t wander off the trail path in search of a secluded area. The trail was put there for one reason; to keep you safe! With all the excitement that comes with a proposal it’s too easy to forget which direction you should be going. Seriously. Stick. To. The Path! 

Go early instead of late

If the route you’ve chosen is a popular one and you want to avoid potential crowds, don’t choose to set off later in the day. Sure, there’ll be less people around as evening draws in. But there’ll also be limited daylight. Watching the sun set as a newly engaged couple is super romantic, but finding your way down the side of a mountain in darkness is not fun, and also very dangerous unless you’re an experienced mountaineer.     

Don’t take a chance on the weather

Rookie mistake #1 for hiking is not checking out the weather conditions before you leave. And we don’t mean just looking out the window – look up the weather forecast for the full day and check out what conditions are like on the trail too. This isn’t just to ensure your safety; your other half will not thank you if her beautiful new diamond ring gets covered in mud. Trudging through wind and rain doesn’t make for a very joyful setting, either, and you definitely don’t want something like this to happen:

snow snowboard GIF

Stay alert when taking selfies

This may sound ridiculous, but we’re being deadly serious. One news story about a couple falling to their deaths while taking a selfie on a cliff is too many – and we’ve read more than one. Stay away from the edge, take stock of your surroundings first, or better yet, just ask a passer-by to take your snap for you. It’s always better to take your pics at a designated viewpoint than to scramble over outcrops just to get the perfect shot.

Keep the ring extra secure!

Hiking is physical. You’re going to move your body a lot, especially your legs, so stashing the ring in your side or back pocket is not a good idea. One lunge to get on top of a rock, and all you’ll be able to do is watch as that velvet ring box tumbles down into the valley below. Take a backpack and put the ring right at the bottom, then whatever you do, make sure the backpack is securely closed up until the big moment.  

Bring celebration supplies

Speaking of backpacks, you’ll need some supplies to make sure you stay safe on your hike. Bring water, snacks, a first aid kit, bug spray, and extra layers of clothing (including a waterproof layer). But you’ll also need some things to celebrate the happy moment. A miniature bottle of champagne, some chocolates and a blanket will help make the proposal intimate and special as you enjoy the views on the summit.

Don’t expect phone signal

Mountains by default tend to be in remote areas away from civilisation, so don’t expect immediate phone signal to share your happy news. Coverage will likely be patchy, and you may have to get to the nearest town before you can call your loved ones. All the more reason to get down the mountain before the light dims, so you can continue to celebrate!

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